Honey is evolving as a widely consumed commodity these days both as food and medicine. As its use is increasing, it is becoming important to analyse the quality and usefulness of honey available in the market. It is not necessary that each type of honey available in the market is good for health and useful. To measure its effectiveness TA is used that is known as Total Activity of honey. Read till the end to know more about TA Ratings for Jarrah Honey.

What do you mean by the TA rating of honey?
The total Activity of honey is the measurement of its antimicrobial strength to detect its effectiveness. It is nothing but a bacteria-killing scale, on which if higher TA is shown that means it has greater antimicrobial strength. It is a known fact that the antimicrobial properties of honey are due to enzymes and chemicals that are present in nectar that bees suck from flowers.
Honey that has total activity greater than 10 is said to have good antimicrobial properties. These antimicrobial properties increase with increasing TA value. Total activity is the conclusion of incorporating both components Peroxide Activity and Non- Peroxide Activity. You must know that the UMF value and TA value of Manuka honey are the same.
Total Activity rating of Jarrah Honey:
The honey derived from the nectar that bees suck from the Jarrah tree is known as Jarrah Honey. Jarrah honey is full of antibacterial and antifungal properties and also has been proven to possess antimicrobial properties. The total activities that take place in Jarrah Honey are because of solely its Peroxide Activity and happen due to reaction between enzymes that are recognized as Glucose Oxidase and glucose. This reaction initiates with dilution and slowly leads to a low concentration of hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide is known to have antifungal and antibacterial properties that combine with the antiseptic properties of honey, and that is why it remains relaxed in our body.
Nowadays honey has now been worldwide recognised to be useful for medicinal and food purposes. You too can use honey for any of the purposes you want. But it is a must to ensure that the quality of honey is good and it does the job. For assuring good antimicrobial activity you should observe the Total Activity of honey. Jarrah honey has a high TA rating and has a good amount of antimicrobial properties.